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Results 211-220 of 2411 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-01First CP 212: Semester M.Sc, Degree Examination, January 2017 Branch : Counselling Psychology : FUNDAMENTALS OF COUNSELLING PSYCHOLOGYkerala university
2015-02First Semester (Counselling Psychology) Degree Examination, February 2015. CP 212 - FUNDAMENTALS OF COUNSELLING PSYCHOLOGYkerala university
2015-02First semester (Gounselling psychology) Degree Examination, February 2015 CP 218 PSYCHOLOGY OF INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCESkerala university
2014-03First Semester M.Sc. (Counselling Psychology) Degree Examination, March 2014 CP-212 : FUNDAMENTALS OF COUNSELLING PSYCHOLOGYkerala university
2015-08Second semester Degree Examination, August 2015 Branch : COUNSELLING PSYCHOLOGY CP 222: Counselling process and Skillskerala university
2018-04First Semester M.Sc. (Counselling Psychology) Degree Examination, March 2018 CP 213 (2013 Admn. Onwards) : PSYCHOLOGY OF INDIVIDUAL DIFFERHNCESkerala university
2014-03First semester M.Sc. (Counselling Psychology) Degree Examination, March 2014 CP 213 : PSYCHOLOGY OF INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCESkerala university
2018-03First Semester M.Sc. (Counselling Psycholqgy) Degree Examination, March 2018 CP - 214 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY (2013 Admn. Onwards)kerala university
2018-10Second Semester M.Sc. Degree Examination, October 2018 Branch : COUNSELLING PSYCHOL0GY CP 221 PSYCHOMETRY (2013 Admission Onwards)kerala university
2016-02First Semester M.Sc. Degree Examinationn February 2016 BATCH : COUNSELLING PSYCHOLOGY CP 214 :RESEARCH METHODOLOGYkerala university