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Results 451-460 of 2411 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2004-07FOURTTT SEMESTER M.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, JUNE/JULY 2OO4 Branch : Personnel Mnagement PM. 247 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERINGkerala university
2016-07Fourth semester M.A. (Human Resource Management) Degree Examination, July 2O16 HRM 2.4.1 BUSINESS : ENVIRONMENT ANDCORPERATE STRATEGY (2014 Admission)kerala university
2003-07FOLIRTH SEMESTEIR M examination , April / july 2003 Brarnch : personnel management PM 2.4.3 BUSINIISS ENVIORNMENT AND COPERATE STRATEGYkerala university
2013-07Second Semester M.A. Degree Examination, July 2013 Branch : Sociology (2008 Admission Onwards) SO 223 : SOCIAL STATISTICS AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONSkerala university
2012-07Fourth semester " Degree Examination, July 2012 Personnel Management (New scheme - 2006Admission ; PM 243 - Paper - BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND CORPERATE STRTEGYkerala university
2011-08Second Semester M.A. Degree Examination, August 2011 Branch; SOCIOLOGY (2008 Admission onwards)SO 223 -Social Statistics and Computer Applicationskerala university
2016-01Third Semester M.A. Degree Examination, January 2016 Branch : Sociology (2013 Admission Onwards) so 233 - SOCIAL STATISTICSkerala university
2015-02Third Semester M.A. Degree Examination, February 2015 Branch : SOCIOLOGY e (201 3 Admission) SO 233 : Social Statisticskerala university
2015-02Third Semester M.A. Degree Examination, February 2015 Branch : Sociology (2013 Admission) SO 292 - SOCIAL GERONTOLOGYkerala university
2015-08Fourth semester M.A. (Human Resource Management) Degree Examination, August 2015 PM 2.4.3IHRM 2.4.3 - BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT AND CORPORATE STRATEGY ( 2013 Admission) (common for M.A. Degree in Personnel Management - prior to 2013 admisionkerala university